2 Habanero Blend 1 oz Bags & Original Blend 1 oz Bag 3 Pack

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The Habanero blend combines our base blend with Habanero peppers that have gone through my proprietary process. As with our original blend, the aroma will be the first thing you experience. Next will come the sweet smoky flavor of the original blend with the unique flavor characteristics of the Habanero. Finally, the heat will begin to set up, and intensify with each bite as your tongue and taste buds scream for more. So yes, the Habanero blend is hotter than our base blend.
The Original blend is not meant to set your taste buds on fire, but more to satisfy a sweet smoky desire I know a lot of us have. This is not to say you will not experience heat...you definitely will. It will be subtle and come on towards the end. As you continue to eat, the heat begins to build. Before you realize it, you are slowing the rate at which you eat, while your tongue begins to sweep your gums searching for crumbs.